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Honourable patronage:

Bogdan Zdrojewski
Minister Kultury
i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

Międzynarodowa Rada
Ochrony Zabytków
VOIVODESHIP: kujawsko-pomorskie
DISTRICT: Włocławek
COMMUNE: Włocławek
DIOCESE: włocławska
DECANATE: Włocławek
FOUNDATION: 1232-1258/62
ABOLISHMENT DATE: 1285 - wcielony do Byszewa

History of the abbey

      The cloister in Szpetal was founded by the province governor, Bogusz Miecławiec of Doliwów family. The foundation document did not survive.
      The foundation was once again considered in 1236. Abbots from Łekno and Ląd were supposed to inspect the cloister and Turyn's cloister Georgenthal became its mother-cloister. In the document of abbot Henryk from Georgenthal written out between 1258 and 1262 there is a statement that Szpetal was in the Cistercian possession for over 20 years. They also took over form the Bishop of Wrocław the already existing church of St. Gotard and a hospital. These objects were initially under Benedictines' care.
      The cloister had two functions: missionary and hospital. The initial endowment came from Bogusz, province governor's grant. The development was stopped by two Prussian invasions in 1242-1243.
      The reconstruction of the cloister was problematic due to the difficult situation of the parent cloister in Georgenthal. As a result, the monks from Georgenthal relinquished Szpetal's cloister in 1252. It was taken over by the General Capitulary's order by Mormond cloister which commissioned its renovation to the cloister in Sulejów.
      In the 50s Bogusz Miecławiec put more attention to saving his foundation. In 1258, in his last will he gave Złotopole and Konarzewo to Szpetal. In 1262 there was an argument about these properties with Cracow's bishop, Wohimir. The argument finished with a compromise and Szpetal gained the rights to Złotopole and Konarzewo. After 1258 the Cistercians took the possession of Babcie. Unfortunately the full renovation of this place was not successful.
      As a result of the reform of 1285, which concerned not only the cloister in Szpetal, but also in Byszew and Sulejów, Szpetal's properties were handed over to those Cistercians who settled in Byszewo, thus, the year of 1285 determines the end of the abbey in Szpetal.    

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The Abbey today

Today of the abbey

Unfortunately, post-Cistercian buildings have not survived until these days. There is no information about how the church looked like and its interior.

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